Matka Boska Eleusa, XVII w., Hłomcza. Po przemierzeniu 500 kilometrów drogi czuję się zmęczony, zwłaszcza, że niemal dwie trzecie czasu spędzonego za kółkiem odbywało się w deszczu. Towarzysząca nam ZET-ka ...
I reached the first village, Hlomcza, just as the service at the church was finishing so I didn't have to go and find the keys. I whipped into the church as they were all coming back out again. It was quite a nice church and had a .... I got up late the next day and pottered around the hotel packing my stuff back up before getting on the bus to Krakow. At the bus station the signs are also misleading. The large sign outside the station doesn't seem to be for the actual ...